
Democrats launched a coordinated effort on Sunday’s major cable TV talk shows to advocate for President Joe Biden’s achievements, asserting that his track record will secure the support of Black voters for his reelection this November.

Despite recent polls in several swing states indicating a decline in support among a key demographic that played a crucial role in his 2020 victory, Democratic leaders remain optimistic. In Pennsylvania, for example, 69% of Black voters currently favor Biden over Donald Trump, the former president and likely Republican nominee.

Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, who captured 91% of the Black vote in his 2022 Senate campaign, expressed confidence in Biden’s prospects during a CNN interview. “While I cannot claim to fully represent Black voters or speak on their behalf, I am confident that President Biden will maintain strong support among them, and I believe he will narrowly win Pennsylvania,” said Fetterman.

Simultaneously, President Biden served as the commencement speaker at Morehouse College, a historically Black men’s college in Atlanta, demonstrating his engagement with Black communities. This appearance was part of a broader initiative to connect with Black voters, which included commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision at the African American History Museum in Washington, D.C.

Later on Sunday, Biden continued his outreach by speaking at the NAACP’s annual Fight for Freedom Fund dinner in Detroit, another pivotal swing state.

Representative Jasmine Crockett of Texas highlighted the importance of communicating the administration’s achievements to Black Americans. “It’s crucial that voters recognize what President Biden has accomplished for them, especially since sometimes the benefits are not immediately apparent,” Crockett noted on CNN. She emphasized the administration’s significant investments in historically Black colleges and universities, including Morehouse, as a testament to its commitment to the Black community.



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