
Donald Trump, gearing up for his presidential campaign, has announced that his wife, Melania Trump, will take on a more prominent role. Following the funeral of Melania’s mother, Amalija Knavs, Trump expressed confidence in Melania’s advice and compassion and praised his son Barron’s growth and potential.

Currently leading the Republican primary race, Trump holds a significant 40-point advantage over Nikki Haley in New Hampshire, with other potential rivals like Ron DeSantis having withdrawn.

In a recent interview, Trump commended Melania for her valuable insights and stated she would be “very active” in his campaign efforts. He also touched upon the challenges his family faced, particularly the “unfair” attacks since his presidency and throughout his current campaign.

Trump also highlighted the impressive growth of his son Barron, now 6 feet 8 inches tall, attributing his height to his late grandmother’s nurturing. He mentioned Barron’s interest in sports, noting his preference for soccer over basketball.

With Ron DeSantis exiting the race, Trump’s campaign has gained momentum, evidenced by increased support within the Republican party and his commanding lead in recent New Hampshire polls. Trump’s campaign has also showcased unity by bringing former rivals on stage at rallies, demonstrating a consolidated front.

The latest polls indicate a solid lead for Trump over Haley, making him a strong contender to face President Joe Biden in the 2024 elections. The departure of DeSantis has reportedly boosted Trump’s campaign significantly, with pollsters predicting a potential landslide victory similar to his performance in the Iowa caucus.



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